According to the principles of feng shui, an ancient Chinese art, clutter is a general distraction and can prevent you from moving forward. So when you have a cluttered house, you may be blocking yourself from the life you truly want.

While having a neat and tidy home may seem unachievable, especially if your home is in complete disarray, it is not impossible. You just have to determine the source of your mess and figure out the best way to resolve it. Then you’ll be on your way to maintaining a clutter-free home. 

To help you get started, let’s identify the root causes of the clutter piling up in your home. Read on to learn more about the common reasons for home clutter and simple solutions to overcome it.

You Have Too Many Things

This may be an apparent reason, but some people have trouble admitting they have too much stuff. And instead of managing what they have, they pile more things into their already overcrowded closets, basement, or garage. With too many things overflowing your space, it becomes difficult to find anything.

So why accumulate more than you need? In some cases, it’s the love of finding a great deal at a yard sale or a favorite store. Other times, an emotional attachment to specific belongings makes it challenging to part with them.

Whatever the reason, an overabundance of things always creates clutter. And if you’re not using all these things or can find a proper place for them in your home, you should consider getting rid of them to make space for the items you use. 

Solution: Reduce Your Collection

A relatively straightforward clutter removal solution is to reduce the excess. Old magazines, expired toiletries, and extra cookware you don’t need are just some examples of the things you can eliminate from your home.

Try getting rid of at least 10 things a day and only keep the things that comfortably fit into your closets and other storage spaces. For possessions with emotional attachment, you can look for special, uncluttered ways to preserve the memories so you can remove the items on display. After reducing the clutter, it’s best to be mindful of what you already own before bringing any new things into your home.

You Don’t Know How to Organize

Clutter builds up quickly when you’re disorganized and do not know where or how to store your belongings. What often happens is you may place things down anywhere because you have no idea what to do with them. Now, you’ve created areas that are magnets for clutter. 

Solution: Identify Problem and Address It

The first thing is to ask yourself, why are you dropping another pile of stuff onto a spot that already has clutter? When you stop and take notice of the cluttered areas in your home, you may realize that you need a better system for storing your things.

For example, instead of having your mail take over your kitchen counter or coffee table, you can create a designated spot for only the important stuff, like bills, and discard the rest, like junk mail. Once you develop simple organizational systems, you will have better control over your clutter.

You Are in a Period of Change

When people change their routines or experience a stressful period, things begin to pile up because having a neat and tidy home becomes less of a priority. From having a baby to changing jobs, life events can be a major cause of clutter in your home. And you may tell yourself you’ll get organized once you get settled, but sometimes that never happens.   

In some cases, the change can be out of your control, like a long-term health problem or aging. You may become incapable of cleaning as you used to when you were healthier or younger. 

Solution: Start Small or Get Outside Help

In the case of life transitions, it’s best not to wait for an ideal time to gain control of your clutter. You can start doing a little at a time, and eventually, your cluttered house will become a tidier place to live. Spending five minutes a day picking up items and putting them where they belong or focusing on one section of your home can make a real difference. 

If you’re dealing with health issues or have lost mobility or energy due to the aging process, you may need to rely on some outside assistance. Perhaps you can get a family member, friend, or neighbor to help tackle your clutter once or twice a week. Or you can hire a professional service if you have the means. 

You Avoid Making a Choice

Indecision can be another cause of clutter because rather than choose where to place items, some people prefer to stash their things in their basements, garage, or closets. They figure their home is technically clean and organized if the items are not visible. The problem with that tactic is the clutter still exists, and it may weigh on your mind knowing you have to deal with it at some point. 

Solution: Sort and Get Rid of Unused Items

Sorting through your hidden boxes and bags can help you figure out what you should keep and what you can sell, donate, or recycle. Most of the time, items stored for so long end up being recycled or in landfills. If you have belongings you haven’t seen in years, get help from someone you know or a professional to sort through them and finally remove that clutter from your home and your life.

How to Maintain an Uncluttered House

Having clutter is a part of life; if you struggle to take care of it, you’re not alone. However, getting a handle on the mess and having an uncluttered house can feel good.

To maintain that feeling, set up a schedule for cleaning your house. You may also rely on the support of loved ones or help from a reputable cleaning service to stay organized and clutter-free. Get in touch with us for more cleaning tips and advice.